There is 5 things that make me curious about Captain Marvel from the first trailer.

The first trailer of the long-awaited Captain Marvel film was finally released, and as usual, movie trailers always bring excitement and curiosity.

Starring Brie Larson as the lead character, the film trailer also featured Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury who had not worn a blindfold, and a glimpse of the appearance of the character Jude Law made.

From Nick Fury's radio call (pager) then the story originates from Mar-Vell, here are five things that make me curious about the trailer for Captain Marvel.

1. The Origin of her

As previously reported, this film will not tell about the origin of Captain Marvel. Even at the beginning of the trailer Captain Marvel showed his green costume falling from space above a VCD shop(or lets just say Blockbuster store).

Also shown is a glimpse of the lives of Carol Danvers while still on Earth, but he has difficulty remembering what is real and what is not.

There are also scenes that look like Carol Danvers's memory deletion which might explain why he can't remember his life on Earth(or her origin).

The non-linear plot in this film will be an interesting way to change Marvel's habits in making the story of the origin of superheroes as they have been serving. even tho im not that a big fan or Marvel(im just saying).

2. Jude Law role on the movie

In his comic, Carol Danvers was introduced as a US Air Force officer who gained strength through unintentional power combinations. That power came from the original Mar-Vell Captain who was a Kree.

Old rumors circulating said that Jude Law would play the role of Captain Mar-Vell. However, when official photos of Captain Marvel circulated, Jude Law was called to play a mysterious commander who led a group of Kree troops named Starforce. Hmmm ... So it's more curious right?

3. Skrulls and S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the Captain America: The Winter Soldier film shows that S.H.I.E.L.D. can be infiltrated and maybe the organization has a pretty interesting history.

In the trailer, Nick Fury says "You don't know what threats are out there" while Carol Danvers seems to hit an old woman who is probably Skrull in disguise.

This shows the possibility that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by Skrulls, like Hydra and if true, this will be an interesting main plot of the film.

4. The reason Nick Fury retired

In the trailer, Nick Fury said to Carol Danvers, "To be honest, I'm ready to retire until I meet you today."

The reason why he decided to retire is still a mystery and curious. But his meeting with Carol Denvers can be assumed as the beginning of the formation of the Avengers, but must be canceled temporarily because he left Earth.

This can also explain who caused Nick Fury to lose one of his eyes.

5. Nick Fury Pager

In the post-credit movie Avengers: Infinity War, Nick Fury was seen contacting Captain Marvel with a radio call (pager) before he disappeared. Then in the trailer of this film, Nick Fury was shown to still use the same pager.

This shows that he always has the tool just in case when a bad event occurs like in Infinity War. Then, where did he get it?

Well thats whats make me curious, and do you think its worth to match Captain Marvel ? 
(maybe, maybe not)